Ondian aims to help you keep track of call outs for creative submissions, poems, essays and suchlike. You can build up a personal list of call outs with details of the call outs. These can be grouped using tags and you can share the call out with other people.
The general model used is roughly as follows. You add a call out including the link to the URL of the page for the call out. You add the opening date and closing date if either are fixed. Once you've created your submission you can upload the file and click the 'Submitted' menu option.
Sharing a call out with someone else can be done by clicking the 'Share' button. This generates a URL for you to send by email, or however preferred, to the person with which you wish to share the call out call out. Aspects of the call out such as tags are not shared, only the more public information. When the recipient goes to the shared URL, they are invited to store the details as a new call out of their own in their database of call outs.
Pricing is free for now but there will be a monthly rate at some point. Perhaps £2 per month or £20 per year. Any opinions, please let me know. The data is yours for you to use and share; I won't sell it or re-use it. I'll try my hardest to ensure the data does not disappear but cannot guarantee that; I recommend you keep a backup of your files.
Contact: admin@ondian.net
Annotation icons created by Iconjam - Flaticon
Share icons created by Freepik - Flaticon
Sticky notes icons created by Freepik - Flaticon
Outcome icons created by Three musketeers - Flaticon